The Risks to Computer Systems Security are Substantial!

A security threat is any situation or circumstance that could lead to harm, damage, and/or destruction of an asset. There are many types of security threats and they can come from a variety of sources and can take a number of different forms. 

A computer is a valuable asset, and that is why security threats such as malware and hacks are such a big problem. A single malicious program can cost companies billions of dollars. This article will be going over some of the most common security threats to your computer systems.

Physical threats:

Physical threats to computers work by physically damaging the computer hardware. These threats range from natural disasters to human-caused accidents, to intentional acts.

Physical threats can come in a variety of forms, including:

  • Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, hurricanes, avalanches, floods, and fires can all destroy a computer.
  • Human Accidents: Dropping a computer or spilling something on it can also cause damage.
  • Intentional Acts: Some people purposefully try to damage other people’s computers for various reasons such as out of anger or revenge.

Digital or online threats:

There are many different types of online threats. They all have their own unique features and characteristics. 

Malware is a computer virus that can infect your computer if you give it permission to do so. It attaches itself to other programs that you download or run, and then spreads to other computers on the network, until it finally gets disabled by an antivirus program. 

Anti-malware programs are usually able to identify malware code before it starts running on your computer, but even they cannot guarantee total protection against all malware. 

Malware Threats includes:

  • viruses
  • worms
  • Trojan horses
  • spyware
  • Ransomware
  • Key loggers
  • adware. 

These are all malicious programs that are designed to harm your computer or steal personal information.

Spear phishing is a type of social engineering attack that uses a trusted individual or organization as bait to lure the target into revealing information about themselves. 

Spear phishing emails usually come from someone who has been in contact with the potential victim within the recent past and seem more trustworthy than other emails from strangers. This also comes under Digital threats or Non-physical threats.

Motives of Digital threats can:

  • Loss or corruption of data stored on systems
  • Password sniffing
  • System infiltration
  • Website defacement
  • Disabling computer systems can disrupt business operations, which rely heavily on these systems.
  • Loss of sensitive information
  • Illegal monitoring of systems with critical data
  • Cyber Security Breaches
  • Private and public Web browser exploits
  • Instant messaging abuse
  • Intellectual property (IP) theft or unauthorized access
  • Denial of Service Attacks

How to Reduce Physical Threats:

  • Internal: It’s possible to reduce the risk of fire in your home by using automatic fire detectors and extinguishers that don’t use water. Instability of electricity can be prevented using voltage controllers. Alternatively, an air conditioning can also help control.
  • External: Lightning protection systems are useful for protecting computer systems against lightning storms. They are not perfect, but they do help to reduce the risk of getting zapped by a bolt of lightning. One way to protect your computer system from flooding is to house it in highlands.
  • Humans: An often-used technique for preventing thefts and intrusions is by locking rooms and limiting director access.

How to Reduce Digital or Online Threats:

  • Update all your software and systems to the latest version or patch to make sure you get bug fixes, new features, and speed improvements.
  • Ensure Endpoint Protection Softwares.
  • Install a Firewall
  • Backup your data
  • Apply appropriate access control
  • Intrusion-detection/prevention systems can be used
  • Use of multi-factor authentication
  • Use strong passwords


Cybercrip’s articles related to Hacking is only for informational and educational purpose.  Any time the word  “Hacking” that is used on this site shall be regarded as Ethical Hacking. Cybercrip will not be responsible for any action performed by any content consumer. We mostly focus on Cyber Security Guide, Penetration testing tutorials, and Ethical hacking. So, use these tools responsibly.

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